10 Reasons Disney Plus Will Dominate Netflix

7. Lady & The Tramp Live Action

Disney Plus

There’s definitely growing fatigue from some cinephiles over the steady stream of Disney live action remakes of their classic animated hits, but frankly if you aren’t sick of them now, you’re never going to be.

News of the Disney+ rollout was coupled with the announcement and first picture reveal of a live action Lady and the Tramp movie. Even if you feel the recent trend is growing stale and gets more and more creatively bankrupt with each endeavour, there’s at least something different about Lady and the Tramp.

Emma Watson is a great actress, but there’s a reason everyone was more excited to see Cogsworth and Lumiere in Beauty & The Beast. We know what it looks like when people talk; so a live-action woman doesn’t really provide any intrigue. A talking clock, candle or dog though? That at least offers something.

What’s interesting is that most of the Disney live action efforts have been decent but unremarkable at the box office. Producing less beloved ones for their streaming service at a lower cost (and with cheaper marketing) means some of the riskier projects may now be greenlit.

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Disney Plus
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)