10 Reasons Doctor Who Is Better When You're An Adult

3. Lore Galore – Connecting All The Dots

Bad Wolf Bay
BBC Studios

Bad Wolf, Torchwood, Harold Saxon – so many little Easter eggs are scattered across each episode sometimes it’s literally a case of blink and you’ll miss it. But when you’ve watched the seasons in sequence, and suddenly it all clicks – genius.

A key example of this is the Tenth Doctor’s hand. After being cut off by the Sycorax leader in the 2005 Christmas special, Jack discovers the hand (which can be spotted throughout Torchwood season one) and eventually uses it to track down the Doctor in season three episode Utopia.

Jack’s existence as a fixed point in time compromises the TARDIS and shoots it to the end of the universe. Here we meet the Master, a Time Lord turned human who had forgotten his abilities. Once he rediscovers his old identity, he steals the Doctor’s hand to take control of the TARDIS and transports himself back to the 21st century, 18 months before the finale takes place.

This leads us into The Sound of Drums, in which the Master disguises himself as Harold Saxon to become Prime Minister. Once in charge, he kidnaps the Doctor and ages him by 100 years using DNA from the hand.

As children, questions on the whereabouts of the hand may have been forgotten by the end of the action-packed series. But as adults, we can see how the seemingly insignificant incident nearly led to the destruction of the Doctor.

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Jess has just graduated from Winchester with a BA in writing. Her non-academic achievements include watching the fantasy drama Merlin five times and reading an ungodly amount of YA fiction. She also enjoys playing sandbox games, singing along poorly to Twenty One Pilots' lyrics and writing too much for her biography.