10 Reasons Doctor Who Is Better When You're An Adult

2. The Evolution Of TenRose

Bad Wolf Bay

Seeing the Doctor and Rose’s relationship blossom from Eccleston’s era, and evolve through season two to the heart-wrenching finale, makes their inevitable separation all the more powerful. Not to mention many of us older Whovians, who have now experienced romantic relationships, may find the separation all the more devastating.

Their union is perhaps not the most overt of all the couples on Doctor Who. Often being portrayed through playful exchanges and unspoken words rather than physical displays of affection – except when Cassandra infiltrates Rose’s body. But their relationship was no less meaningful and certainly the most beloved by fans.

Whilst their chemistry is more prominent during the Tenth Doctor’s era, Nine and Rose still share some sweet moments. When she and the Doctor dance in the aptly titled episode The Doctor Dances, we can tell it means more than either of them would care to admit.

Despite other companions falling for the Doctor, the fact that he never reciprocates these feelings indicates just how much Rose meant to him. Whilst as children we may have realised they liked each other, as adults we can see just how beautiful their relationship was.

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Jess has just graduated from Winchester with a BA in writing. Her non-academic achievements include watching the fantasy drama Merlin five times and reading an ungodly amount of YA fiction. She also enjoys playing sandbox games, singing along poorly to Twenty One Pilots' lyrics and writing too much for her biography.