10 Reasons Family Guy Is The Laziest Show On Television

3. Continuity Means Nothing

Family Guy Retarded Horse

One of the most frustratingly lazy aspects of Family Guy is how ungodly inconsistent the narrative itself can be. There is arguably not a single show in existence, past or present, that has less of a sense of continuity than Family Guy has.

Past events are retconned left and right for the sake of new stories, which is a testament to just how out of ideas the writers are. We've seen countless different versions of Stewie's birth at this point, each of which contradicts the last.

Speaking of which, was Stewie born with his football-shaped head, like each birth scene would have us believe, or did it get that way from hitting the ceiling, as established in a flashback? Plus, two different versions of how Joe lost his legs, as well as countless other details being pulled out of thin air, regardless if they make canonical sense or not.

Moreover, no action in any episode, no matter how severe, has any sort of long-lasting consequences. Things that would shake any person to their very core, such as major violations of trust or life-threatening injuries, are waved off in half an hour and forgotten by the next episode.

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A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.