10 Reasons Star Trek Enterprise Deserves A Second Chance

2. Archer

NX 01 Enterprise Star Trek

Scott Bakula, like every other captain in every other series, grew into the role as he went. He had already seen success in Quantum Leap, leading to some frankly fantastic memes in the years since, and his entry to the Star Trek franchise was another home run. He has been mentioned in both Discovery, Star Trek Nemesis and the JJ Abrams films - he did something right at least!

The truth is that he did a stellar job in leading his ship. He was both friendly and unafraid to lead the crew where angels fear to tread. He was approachable but similar to Kirk in his rough and tumble style. Though there was of course the standard woodenness that comes to all captains in the beginning, this quickly softened.

His growth from wide-eyed explored into battle-hardened commander but, crucially, back to explored is a joy to behold. For portions of the show's third season, Archer made some decisions that would rival even Sisko's deception of the Romulans - but it was always with the greater good in mind. He also overtakes Kirk in the numbers lost under his command, which is either a win or a lose, depending on how you look at it.

The truth is, Archer is a symbol of the show itself. It is open minded. It is brave. It is a little naive and it grows up along the way. The man that rises the steps of the Federation council at the end is very much the man who took command in the pilot, just deeper and wiser. His journey is one worth joining him on.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick