10 Reasons Star Trek Enterprise Deserves A Second Chance

1. The Xindi Arc

NX 01 Enterprise Star Trek

Enteprise's third season was the turning point for the show. The first two seasons had moments of greatness but to be fair, overall had a very mixed quality. The season long arc of trying to find and stop the sphere builders introduced a drama that had rarely been seen on Trek. For an entire year, the crew of Enterprise was defeated again and again by the Xindi, crippling the ship on several occasions. The Battle of Azati Prime is among the worst defeats a Federation has survived in the franchise.

Further than the spectacle, here was an entire storyline that was both war and peace. The Xindi had attacked Earth and killed millions but had done so on false information. The basest of Starfleet's messages - explore and seek out life - is tested here. Showrunner Manny Coto brought a darker twist on the show but did so in a way that didn't feel forced.

The gradual decline of Archer's optimism is not lost entirely and the trials of the crew show their strength, internal and external, shining through. The season didn't feel overlong and the story was highly engaging. The resolution was sound and the groundwork for a larger scale universe was set. The season ranks among Star Trek's very best, offering a path through darkness into light.

Enterprise is a show that may be relegated to many peoples' 'worst of' lists but there are so many examples of why it deserves a second chance, or even just a rewatch in modern times. It is an experience that won't be regretted.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick