Between 2005 and 2010, Steven Moffat wrote four television stories for Doctor Who. Five, if you include Time Crash. Each Moffat episode was so hotly anticipated that fans eventually stopped referring to them by name and just called them "this year's Moff episode". No matter how many farting aliens, Abzorbaloffs, terrible 'Noo Yawk' accents or unconvincing old age make up that came in between, all would be forgiven when his name appeared in the titles. Having a section for each of the things Moffat brought to the Whoniverse before he became showrunner would easily fill this entire post, especially since Russell "The" Davies has said repeatedly that he never altered a word of his scripts, so it's all pure Moff. The only partial exception is Captain Jack Harkness, who Russell characterised but Steven originally brought to life, so let's say that they conceived Jack together (no, not like that!). Gas mask zombies, Clockwork robots, Madame de Pompadour, Sally Sparrow, Arthur the Horse, Vashta Nerada as well as a deep seated fear of statues, shadows, blinking and the sound of a ticking clock. Basically, fans have Moffat to thank for making us fear things from everyday life. Thanks, Steven.