5. It Runs The Risk Of Becoming "Everybody Loves Daryl"
Are any of the characters on The Walking Dead even as close to being as compelling as Daryl Dixon? No, and that's a huge problem. The best character on the show is one that does not exist in the comics. He has surpassed the source material, and that's telling. Because nothing is ever created in a vacuum, as fans connected with Daryl, he wound up with more and more screen time. Now, he's the breakout star - much like Spike was on the final seasons of Buffy. The problem is, as fans fixate on this character, and the writers follow suit, they become less and less connected to the rest of The Walking Dead world. With Rick walking that fine line between unstable and downright unlikable, and only Glenn really still being a character that resembles what fans came to know and love, this becomes a much great issue. Giving Daryl a spin-off was an option, but that opportunity was likely lost when Fear the Walking Dead was developed. Now? The best character may be the show's biggest problem, and an ending needs to be cooked up before he completely overshadows the rest of the group.
Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.