10 Reasons To Revisit The Colin Baker Era Of Doctor Who

1. The Trial Of A Time Lord

Doctor Who Colin Baker Sixth Doctor
BBC Studios

The jewel in the crown of Colin Baker's short run is the giant story which took up all of his second season, The Trial of a Time Lord. At 14 parts long, it is the longest story in the show's history, and sees the Doctor face trial on Gallifrey for meddling with time and space.

The story is split into four sub-stories, and is shown in an ambitious hybrid of courtroom drama and sci-fi jaunt, with three of those four stories being played back in the courtroom as evidence of the Doctor's meddling, with the Doctor frequently clashing with the prosecution known as the Valeyard.

The Doctor argues that the evidence against him has been largely falsified, and that he does not remember any of the events shown onscreen. Trial of a Time Lord is the most experimental serial in Doctor Who, and although it is a slow burn, it's an incredibly satisfying watch.

The Trial of a Time Lord also sees several grim moments, including the death of companion Peri, which is caused by the Doctor betraying her entirely and forming an alliance with Sil. Not cool.

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