10 Reasons To Revisit The Colin Baker Era Of Doctor Who

2. Easter Eggs And Fan Service

Doctor Who Colin Baker Sixth Doctor
BBC Studios

Thanks to the help of producer John Nathan-Turner and the show's unofficial continuity adviser Ian Levine, Baker's era contains massive attention to detail in terms of easter eggs and references to older stories.

A great example of this is during the first episode of Attack of the Cybermen, where the TARDIS materialises in a junkyard in London. This junkyard is then shown - in a very quick shot - to be 76 Totter's Lane. This was the junkyard where the TARDIS was originally found in the very first episode of Doctor Who back in 1963.

Another huge continuity reference and easter egg comes towards the end of Attack of the Cybermen, where the Doctor returns to the planet Telos, which he last visited in 1967's Tomb of the Cybermen. At the end of that serial, the Doctor leaves the lost city of the Cybermen, and traps the Cyber-Controller inside and leaves him to die.

However, the Sixth Doctor soon discovers that the Cyber-Controller is still alive, and it's mentioned that the reason the Cybermen came to Telos was due to the destruction of Mondas in 1986, which is the year the First Doctor originally encountered and destroyed the Cybermen and their homeworld.

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