10 Reasons To Revisit The Colin Baker Era Of Doctor Who

4. The Excellent Set Design And Special Effects

Doctor Who Colin Baker Sixth Doctor
BBC Studios

Along with the darker tone of this era, the set design and special effects were equally grim and gritty. Many of the sets (for example, in Vengeance on Varos), are so grimy and claustrophobic that they really add to the atmosphere of this usually colourful and upbeat show.

The special effects during this period - especially the opening sequence to Baker's second and final season, which sees the TARDIS summoned back to Gallifrey - are also excellent. This shot is spectacular, and it's hard to believe it was created on the measly budget of classic Doctor Who.

Some other set design highlights include the end of The Ultimate Foe, which sees the Sixth Doctor travel inside the Matrix on Gallifrey, with the sets designed as a nightmarish pseudo-reality where nothing is quite as real as it seems.

The production design in Revelation of the Daleks is also surprisingly dour. One particularly nasty-looking moment is when a character stumbles upon a transparent Dalek, which contains the character's father in a horribly mutated state, caught halfway between human and Dalek.

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