10 Reasons To Revisit The Colin Baker Era Of Doctor Who

5. Its Storylines Are Darker Than Usual

Doctor Who Colin Baker Sixth Doctor
BBC Studios

Another controversial (and sometimes unpopular) element of this era of Doctor Who is the violent and graphic nature of several episodes.

This saw the usually family-friendly show utilise action scenes showing blood - most notably in Attack of the Cybermen and Revelation of the Daleks, with the former including a scene where an enemy has his hands squeezed by the Cybermen, with blood oozing out.

Another dark moment occurs in Vengeance on Varos, in which the Doctor is set to be executed in a bath of acid. In an incredible turn of character, the Doctor begins to fight two guards at the acid bath before mercilessly pushing them into the vat of acid, essentially murdering them in cold blood.

These darker storylines make this era entirely unique, with several parts of the show feeling more like a low-budget horror movie at times. This led to several frustrated parents writing to the BBC and Radio Times, complaining that the show was no longer the safe family viewing they were accustomed to.

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