10 Reasons Why Family Guy Is Better Than The Simpsons

8. Simpsons Is Predictable And Repetitive

Every Simpsons episode begins in a state of blissful equilibrium, which through the fault of (probably) Homer will be broken, and we will then spend the rest of the episode attempting to remedy this. Although Family Guy uses a similar formulae, The Simpsons has run out of steam and this plot has become far to predictable. Peter Griffin has screwed up multiple times, but we are still surprised by his constant ability to mess things up. Homer has lost the family€™s wealth numerous times, he has been duped by every scam going, and he always ends up back as the Safety Inspector at the Nuclear Power Plant. Peter Griffin has worked at a brewery and manufactured toys. Although both characters have had a number of different jobs in single episodes, The Simpsons has simply become predictable and repetitive. Recently Brian was briefly killed, and many believed that he was permanently dead; this shows that Family Guy retains the level of chaos which would enable key members to be plausibly killed; if Homer or Santa€™s Little Helper died we would be pretty sure that they would make a recovery. The gags are often no longer funny as they have lost the endearing charm that made them funny; Mister Burns€™ €œexcellent€ and Nelson€™s €œHaHa!€ are simply no longer funny, whereas €œshut up meg€ remains a funny line (although a day will come where this will no longer be as funny as we find it.)

A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: http://samuelclements.wordpress.com/