10 Reasons Why South Park is Better Than The Simpsons

2. It€™s Humble

You€™d have thought that all of this success, in both the ratings and amongst their peers would have gone straight to Matt and Trey€™s head. It€™d have gone to mine €“ I€™d most likely have started trying to command the sun not to rise so I€™d get an extra hour in bed, if I€™d attained those levels of success. But not Trey and Matt. If you see them being interviewed, they€™re constantly having their dicks sucked over how awesome they are, but they tend to brush off the compliments and start pointing out their own flaws, or how dumb this idea that€™s now so respected was when they conceived it. This humbleness bleeds through into South Park. There have been several references to how much they respect the Simpsons in fact. The episode €˜Simpsons Already Did It€™ is a look at (amongst other things) how difficult it is to create an animated sitcom, when the Simpsons has had it covered for so many years. They€™ll readily acknowledge the greatness of their predecessors with pride; almost to the point of giving thanks for providing so much joy for so many years.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.