10 Reasons Why The 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie Sucks

6. Piloting The TARDIS Is Like "Setting An Alarm Clock"

An element of disbelief has always been required in Doctor Who, especially when the Doctor allows anyone to touch the TARDIS console. After all, given everything that can go wrong with travelling through time and relative dimensions in space, it€™s very clear that only experienced users should ever attempt to get to Margate in 1782 without accidentally rupturing the timelines or unleashing Terrible Creatures from the Beyond. But once again, the Doctor needs to let someone with zero experience attempt to reset the console. In his defence, he's been subdued by the Master and dressed up in a prop that was clearly rejected from the set of A Clockwork Orange at the time, but still, his explanation of Grace to "think alarm clock" when it comes to mysteriously "rerouting the power" of the TARDIS is absolutely useless and makes absolutely no sense at all. In real life, if you€™ve never seen the inside of a car before, you would have no idea which wires to pull or which nuts to tighten in order to start it after stalling, never mind if the future of the universe relied on your having to do so.
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R. M. McLean exists somewhere outside of time and space.