10 Reasons Why The 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie Sucks

5. The Humour (And The Injokes) That Mostly Fall Flat

From Professor Wagg's "Om" meditations to the Monty-Python-Lite of the cop who drives into the TARDIS and straight back out again, to tiny injokes only the fans will understand and likely groan at (really? Another reference to Baker's scarf?!), the movie is peppered with tiny sight gags and asides intended to add light relief. The problem is most of them are fairly predictable or have been seen before. The fat morgue attendant fainting is so clunkingly predictable, you could set your clock - or reset your TARDIS console - by it. It's broad and it's not witty. Doctor Who's humour has always come from character but the movie's characters are all paper thin, only present to serve the plot. And on the topic of humour, let€™s not even get started on the inexplicable levels of camp bestowed upon the Master. €œI need the Doctor€™s body!€ and €œI always dress for the occasion€ are two moments intended to evoke a wry smile, but instead make the viewer cringe and think about changing the channel.
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R. M. McLean exists somewhere outside of time and space.