10 Reasons Why The 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie Sucks

4. Grace's Yo-Yo-ing Levels Of Credulity

Oh Grace, Grace, Grace. Such potential to be a voice of reason to the new Doctor. You are, after all, a medical practitioner of some regard with a cool head on your shoulders, and you seem able to hold your own when bantering with a Time Lord. In the end, though, you appear to do little more than exist to react in whatever way is most expedient to the plot. Grace is the first to claim that the Doctor isn€™t human and sees first-hand the moment where the Doctor pulls her medical equipment from his own body. But she still refuses to believe the Doctor isn€™t human. She watches him walk through solid glass and yet seems to stick to her belief that he is just some crazy mad man with memory loss. What's more, all his talk about the world being sucked into a black hole is nonsense. Two minutes later, she's completely on board and running about on the back of a motorcycle with not a care in the world, helping this mad man steal part of an atomic clock. All of this would be fine if fans perhaps knew more about who Grace was as a person, but as it stands she just seems to exist in order to advance the plot and inform the viewer about the Doctor, rather than going on her own unique journey.
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R. M. McLean exists somewhere outside of time and space.