10 Reasons Why The Boys Was Better As A TV Series

7. The Show Comments On Modern Super-hero Culture

The Boys Amazon

When the comic of the Boys came out, the best super-hero film we had was Spider-man 2, Daredevil sucked and Iron Man was still just some B-list Avenger that no one outside of comic fans really cared about. Nowadays, we live in a world where Iron Man stars in the highest grossing film of all time, Daredevil kicks ass and the best super-hero film is Spider-man 2.

The Boys has its own views on the current MCU-based slate of super-hero media, hinting at the Seven cinematic universe. Even A-Train has his own popular multi-film franchise, which is more than can be said for the Flash nowadays.

However, instead of being purely fantasy like in our world, the Seven cinematic universe is at least supposed to be somewhat non-fictional, even if the films are entirely written by PR and marketing departments.

The comic version of The Boys couldn't comment on this current slew of super-hero based media, as, well... it didn't exist, however, it remains as a valid comment on the state of super-hero comic books at the time, but it's just not as relevant today as it was then.

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The Boys
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Psychologist and writer by day. Octopus themed super villain by night.