10 Recent Horror TV Episodes You Must See

1. "Loch Henry" - Black Mirror

Black Mirror Loch Henry

Debuting in June 2023, Black Mirror's sixth season brought with it one of the inimitable show's most devastating episodes to date.

"Loch Henry" follows the tale of Davis and Pia, a young couple producing a true-crime documentary on the murderous exploits of Iain Adair. Adair was a local serial killer who once terrorised the remote Scottish area where Davis grew up. The aspiring filmmaker possesses an even more personal connection to the case - his father was the attending police officer on the night Adair took his own life.

Despite Black Mirror's propensity for whipping the rug out from under viewers in the most harrowing manner imaginable, "Loch Henry" initially unfolds in such a low-stakes, convivial manner that audiences are genuinely lulled into a false sense of security. As such, the desolating twist ending unmasking Davis' parents as the true serial killers numbers among the show's most shocking moments - an emotional gut-punch that is only compounded by the story's traumatic subject matter.

"Loch Henry" is an episode that ultimately leaves viewers rocking themselves to and fro as they clutch their knees in abject horror, but make no mistake. This is one of the acclaimed show's most masterful outings - a must-see on every level.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.