10 Recent Horror TV Episodes You Must See

7. "Six" - Dead Ringers

Black Mirror Loch Henry

Based on David Cronenberg's 1988 film of the same name, Dead Ringers is anything but a simple remake.

Gender-swapping the role of the original protagonists, the 2023 Amazon Prime miniseries is led by Rachel Weisz in a dual role as gynecologist twin sisters Beverly and Elliot Mantle. The veteran character actress turns in a sensational performance, producing a pair of layered and nuanced takes on her vastly differing fictional charges.

While Dead Ringers is polished and refined from the get-go, the miniseries' climactic episode is simply exceptional. The sixth instalment deals with the final break between the seemingly inseparable sisters as the pregnant Beverly is effectively mercy-killed by Elliot via C-section. The episode ties the series' complex array of narrative threads together in as satisfying a manner as possible, despite Elliot's assumption of her sister's identity simultaneously evoking a host of further questions and philosophical discussion.

Dead Ringers may have begun as a Cronenberg remake on paper, but the intricacy of the series' finale outstrips the bounds of the original by a country mile. The strength of the sixth and final episode reinvents the miniseries into a thought-provoking nightmare of its own, with an inspired twist on The Baron of Blood's original ending painting his cinematic offering as fairly basic by comparison.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.