10 Recent TV Moments That Made No Sense

7. Nobody Hates Ashley For The Bridge Stunt - Squid Game: The Challenge

Hijack Amanda

Squid Game: The Challenge has been the game show on everyone's lips for better or worse throughout the last few weeks of 2023, but the single moment that perhaps baffled fans more than any? The Ashley stunt on Glass Bridge.

The Glass Bridge game saw contestants attempting to cross a glass bridge while picking the correct glass tile to stand on - one tile being sturdy, the other sending them falling through the floor.

The 20 remaining players had 30 minutes to cross the bridge, with the group collectively agreeing to step on a single tile each, giving them a seemingly equally fair shot of making it to the end.

This was all well and good, until Ashley refused to play ball and leap to a tile, effectively holding the game up until Trey stepped up and took her place, ultimately leading to his elimination.

Yet in the wake of Ashley's decision, the episode shows the remaining contestants having strangely little ill will towards her, as proved confusing for large swaths of viewers dumbfounded by her selfish choice.

Furthermore, the fact that Mai was then villainised for nominating Ashley in the subsequent Die Test game comes across as further strange. Why wouldn't she nominate the person who wasn't being a team player?

Fans have speculated that Netflix's manipulative editing may have been to blame, because why else wouldn't the surviving contestants be absolutely fuming with Ashley?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.