10 Recent TV Moments That Made No Sense

8. Winston's Different Accent - The Continental: From The World Of John Wick

Hijack Amanda

The Continental was a pretty good prequel to the John Wick movies, as long as you could get over the actually significant hurdle of accepting Colin Woodell in the role of a young Winston Scott - played so deliciously by Ian McShane in the films.

This isn't so much a knock against Woodell's physical performance as it is his accent, which settles simply for broadly American, making it a far cry from McShane's more distinctive transatlantic twang, broached firmly between English and American.

People certainly change a lot over 50 years, and that absolutely includes accents, but given that Winston resides in New York in both the movies and the prequel series, it doesn't really track that he sounds so different in the latter.

Series director Albert Hughes did at least address the issue head-on in interviews, telling Gizmodo that they opted not to have Woodell simply imitate McShane's incredibly distinctive accent, but rather try to capture the essence of the man's character.

All the same, it's immensely distracting when you start watching the show, and immediately places a barrier between the audience and their acceptance of this character as Young Winston.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.