10 Recent TV Moments That Made No Sense

5. Nate & Jade's Romance - Ted Lasso

Hijack Amanda
Apple TV+

Ted Lasso's third season made a number of head-scratching creative decisions which majorly divided fans, but perhaps the oddest of the lot?

Shoehorning in a romance between Nate (Nick Mohammed) and Jade (Edyta Budnik), the stern hostess at Nate's favourite restaurant, A Taste of Athens.

Despite Jade showing no romantic interest whatsoever in Nate and even appearing to have considerable dislike for him whenever he visits the eatery, mid-way through the season the pair rather suddenly develop a bond and become lovers.

If the writers were going for an "opposites attract" dynamic, it didn't really work because they never showed us why Jade would change her mind about Nate.

And more to the point, Jade is so underdeveloped as a character that she ends up feeling more like a prop for Nate's own agency than a genuine person in her own right.

As a result the whole setup felt incredibly forced, with the writers apparently believing that Nate's "redemption" arc absolutely needed a romantic component in order to fully succeed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.