10 Recent TV Moments That Made No Sense

4. Aidan Dumps Carrie Because... Reasons - And Just Like That...

Hijack Amanda

Though the second season of And Just Like That... marked a decent dramatic improvement in a number of ways, it all came hilariously crashing down in the season's final episode, just as Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) seemed destined to get her happily ever after (again) with old flame Aidan (John Corbett).

In the latter half of the season, Carrie and Aidan decide to move in together, with Carrie finally moving out of her beloved apartment into a lush house, but a major spanner is thrown in the works in the final episode, when Aidan's 14-year-old son Wyatt crashes his truck in a DUI accident.

This causes Aidan to realise that his sons need him, and so he tells Carrie he can't move in with her, instead deciding to head back to Virginia to look after his kids.

But that's not quite the end for the pair - they agree to a five-year relationship pause, by which time Aidan's kids will be over the age of 18 and he claims he'll return to Carrie.

Beyond being a pathetically transparent way to drag out the series' drama just when Carrie had a happy ending in sight, this was so ridiculous that some fans quite understandably believed that Aidan hatched the whole scheme as a means of punishing Carrie for her cheating on him during their initial relationship decades prior.

And even if you don't buy into that theory, it's completely absurd. No fifty-something person is wasting five years of their romantic life waiting on the hook for their beloved, and to even ask someone to do that is just... maddening.

Plus, just because your kids are adults once they turn 18, it's not like you just turn the parent part of your brain off.

If Aidan's kids are still troubled in adulthood, it's tough to believe that he's just going to keep living his life with Carrie in New York. Nothing about this makes any sense.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.