10 Rick And Morty Fan Theories That Change Everything

3. Evil Morty Is Doofus Rick

RIck And Morty
Adult Swim

With Evil Morty being one of the most popular and mysterious characters to have appeared in the series, there are multiple theories of how he came to be. Yes, he may have been Rick C-137's original Morty, but what if he wasn't. What if he used to be a Rick himself?

Originally an Evil Rick, the character decided that to bring to fruition his master plan of eliminating the other Ricks, a disguise would be needed, and there would be no better disguise than as a Morty.

After swapping his brain with that of his grandson, Evil Rick, now in the body of Evil Morty, built a robot version of himself and headed on his mission to kill his fellow Ricks. While this created the perfect diversion, it also left a Rick with the mind of a Morty.

In the same episode we are introduced to Evil Morty, we are also introduced to Doofus Rick, who forms an unlikely friendship with Jerry. This seems too convenient to be a coincidence, and the theory continues that this is Evil Morty's Morty-brained Rick, unknowingly sent into the Citadel with some sort of tracking system to act as a spy.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.