10 Rick And Morty Fan Theories That Change Everything

2. Rick And Morty Are The Same Person

RIck And Morty

There are plenty of theories surrounding our Rick and Morty from Earth C-137 really being different people, but one theory points to our two heroes actually being the same person.

Though we have yet to see the show dabble in time travel, it is absolutely something that Rick Sanchez has played around with in the past, hence the box on the garage shelf labelled 'Time Travel Stuff'. This is the basis of a huge theory that believes Morty grew up to be a genius old man, and unhappy with how his life turned out, travels to the past as 'Grandpa Rick' to prevent it.

The reason Morty's life is this bad is because, in a world with no male role model but his dad, he turns out to be another version of Jerry, with relationship and confidence issues, being just a poor excuse for a human being. Though this leads to a marriage with Jessica, Morty is unable to make it work, becomes depressed, and turns to drinking and messing about with his science in the garage.

He stumbles across a dimension where time travel is possible and goes back when he was a child as 'Rick' after 20 years, potentially altering/removing certain of the families memories to make his story work. Then, taking every opportunity to undermine Jerry and drive his childhood self from Jessica, Rick does everything he can to prevent Morty from turning out like him.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.