10 'Rose' Moments That Proved Doctor Who Was Here To Stay

3. "Is It Always This Dangerous?"

Yes! For God's sake! Now get into that TARDIS and never look back! As premiere episodes go, Rose was an emotional rollercoaster. As its final scene affirmed, though, it was only just the beginning. As Rose Tyler ran into that police box for adventures anew, the rest of us were just painstakingly jealous that it wasn't us. Apart from Mickey Smith, of course, who was a quibbling mess on the floor wondering what the hell was even going on. It was us, though (it's the companion's show, remember?) and it was guaranteed to be the trip of a lifetime. Next stop, everywhere... Oh, and did he mention, it also travels in time? God bless you, Doctor. You had us at "Run!".
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.