10 Saddest Moments In BoJack Horseman

1. The View From Halfway Down

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The penultimate episode of the series has already been addressed, but this isn’t about the episode as a whole; just the poem it’s named after.

Secretariat reads the poem before descending into the darkness, and it unveiled the horrifying reality of Suicide. The poem - written for the show - deals with Secretariat’s suicidal leap from the Golden Gate Bridge, where his eyes open to see ‘the view from halfway down’. Modelled from the stories of real life suicide jump survivors, Secretariat speaks of his regret and hopelessness as he plummets.

It’s a searing poem, with Secretariat getting more and more stressed and uncomfortable as he fights against the inevitable. He doesn’t want the poem to end, he doesn’t want to go into the darkness. He doesn’t want to hit the ground.

Suicide is sad enough; it marks a painful life cut short by a lonely person who simply could not take any more. But to think that someone could regret it halfway through but be completely unable to do anything about it is utterly heartbreaking.

As with all of BoJack’s best moments, the true sadness here comes from how well it reflects reality.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)