10 Saddest Moments In BoJack Horseman

2. Sarah Lynn's Death

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This was always going to feature highly, and in the end it just misses out on the top spot. Sarah Lynn was a series regular, the perfect send up of an off the rails wild child who got too much too soon. But she was a real person too, well developed across her time in the series, and losing her was heartbreaking.

What makes the moment even worse is a revelation which comes in the final season too; BoJack waited 17 minutes before calling an ambulance because of the optics. She later died in the hospital, and those 17 minutes might have saved her.

Even shorn of that context though, it’s a crushing moment. A few minutes prior, when they’re at the hotel room, the show pulls a fake out with BoJack fearing Sarah Lynn is dead when she doesn’t immediately respond to him. It lets our guard down, making it hurt more later.

The fact she dies in the planetarium, after explaining how much she loves the building is especially sad. Her final words, “I wanna be an architect,” really embody her lost potential, and a life that could’ve been.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)