10 Scariest Stargate Episodes Ever

4. Stargate Season 9 Episode 17: The Scourge

Stargate Atlantis Instinct
MGM Television

There are plenty of horrifying bug monsters in the Stargate universe, but none are quite so terrifying as those in the SG-1 episode The Scourge.

Essentially, if you remember the 1999 hit Brendan Fraser movie The Mummy, and you were terrified of the scarabs in that classic movie, then this episode will give you all kinds of horrific flashbacks, minus the walking undead monster. At least, in this specific Stargate episode.

SG-1 is tasked with "babysitting" a team of researchers on one of Earth's interplanetary bases, Gamma Site, when the scientists notice that some of the wild insects have suddenly turned carnivorous. What follows is a tense fight for survival between SG-1, an International Oversite Committee member, and all the other scientific and military members of Gamma Site.

The bugs are a vicious unstoppable swarm that quickly devours any non-main character within seconds and makes it all the easier to avoid going outside ever again, especially off-world into a forest planet with all kinds of unregistered bugs or beasts.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.