10 Scariest Stargate Episodes Ever

3. Stargate Season 3 Episode 4: Legacy

Stargate Atlantis Instinct
MGM Television

During the episode "Legacy", SG-1 goes on one of their usual journeys through the Stargate and stumbles upon a Goa’uld ruin. Inside the spooky smaller version of a pyramid, they discover the decayed corpses of nine lesser Goa’uld lords, strewn about a room with seemingly no indication of how they died.

As they explored the ruin, Doctor Daniel Jackson is infected with a Goa’uld weapon designed to cause hallucinations in its victims. Daniel is almost immediately begins to become affected by the weapon.

He hears creepy whispers when he’s alone, and then he begins to see things. He sees a Stargate in his closet, a returning team as zombies, and is even attacked by his hallucinations.

After attack Jack Oniel, believing a Goa’uld has possessed his body, Daniel is sent into a mental asylum to receive help, which obviously only makes the problems worse as asylums are rarely the best place you want to be in a tv show or movie.

The episode goes on with Daniel eventually recovering as several other main characters begin to be infected with the Goa’uld virus.

Overall, the shocking imagery and Daniel’s brief stint in an insane asylum, and a race against the clock to save the lives of SG-1all made for quite a scary episode.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.