10 Sci-Fi TV Show Moments That Pissed Off Fans

2. Reginald Is An 'Alien' - The Umbrella Academy

The Walking Dead

Wacky siblings, cool powers and a trash talking, violent teenager? The Umbrella Academy is a smash hit on Netflix and has recently released a second season, based off the comic book by Gerard Way. The show played on the fact that some weird details are just not explained, giving the show a sense of mystery that attracted so many viewers.

One of the biggest mysteries has always been shrouded around Reginald Hargreeves, the strict leader and adoptive father of The Umbrella Academy who has been enigma from the first episode. His death was a major plot point for the first season and his shady dealings in the 60’s were the main focus for the second. Fans have been waiting for some curtains to be opened on his character.

However, Season 2 threw us a massive curveball. While speaking with the creepy, white men society after the failed assassination attempt on JFK’s life, Reginald becomes frustrated with them.

He then proceeds to unzip his skin and reveal a tentacle alien body before he murders them all. Now this show was some crazy features but this twist really put off fans. The twist felt unnecessary, a device to keep the narrative interesting and strange but this was too much for some fans. Maybe an explanation will appear in Season 3 but for now a lot of fans feel confused and annoyed that they made such a bizarre twist.


If you have clicked on here, get ready to be bored. I'm just a 20 year old white male who has a (probably) unhealthy obsession with pop culture Film and TV. Handy in a trivia game but not much else. My parents were never murdered, I'm not avenging my dead wife. Just plain, old sat at a computer with a head full of knowledge I mostly don't use I was born and raised in the Black Country near Birmingham, England however am now living in Manchester, England after I moved here two years ago. I currently attend the University of Salford, studying Broadcast Journalism. That's it really. Told you there was nothing special. If you're really that desperate for something to do, follow me on socials. Yes, I do like that ego boost.