10 Sci-Fi TV Shows In DESPERATE Need Of A Revival

5. Ghost Whisperer

Arrow John Constantine

Undoubtedly one of the most underappreciated shows of its era, Ghost Whisperer gave Jennifer Love Hewitt a chance to show that there was so much more to her talents than some of her comedic films were willing to, and she rose to the challenge - quietly turning in one of the most impressive leading performances of that decade.

The series followed Melinda Gordon - a woman with the ability to speak to the dead - as she helped the residents of Granview bid farewell to their loved ones. A supernatural drama with heart that often segued into sci-fi, horror and fantasy, the show was a hybrid that most people could watch and it was a massive ratings hit for CBS.

There really was no excuse for Ghost Whisperer's cancellation. The show was capable of bringing in over 10 million viewers in its fourth season in the infamous Friday night 'death slot'. Sure, it fell to an average of 7 - 8 million in its fifth and final offering, but that was still no excuse to lose such a sure-fire ratings hit.

Fans have spent the past decade, hoping that it would be revived and considering it's a family drama all about different aspects of people's lives, a revival today would make for a pretty intriguing concept. And, at the very least, it would allow the show to end on its own terms.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.