10 Sci-Fi TV Shows In DESPERATE Need Of A Revival

3. V

Arrow John Constantine
Warner Bros. Television

V entertained millions in the form of two stunning miniseries in the early 1980s. A saga of fear, propaganda and invasion, the chilling concept explored the arrival of alien visitors from another planet who assured the people of earth that they came in peace when, in actual fact, they were evil lizards attempting to strip the planet of its resources.

It spawned a short-lived TV series that, given the reduced budget and Dynasty-like approach, wasn't able to recreate the goosebump-inducing feel that the two miniseries boasted and its subsequent cancellation resulted in this legendary story never getting the ending it deserved.

The reboot in 2009 had some promise but it never lived up to the heights of its chilling predecessor and it too was ultimately cut short. And now, with talks of a new remake potentially on the horizon, there is uncertainty as to whether or not the original narrative will remain intact.

Creator Kenneth Johnson has been pushing for a revival for years in the form of a live-action adaptation of his sequel novel - which is set 20 years after the first miniseries and retcons the rest out of existence. Given that he is responsible for the original's success, that seems like an option that should definitely be pursued.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.