10 Sci-Fi TV Shows That Wasted Incredible Premises

8. Ghosted

Flash Forward

This supernatural Sci-Fi Sit-Com from Fox looked like the perfect show to sit back and have a few good laughs at in the style of the Men in Black franchise. Hopes were elevated significantly when first rate comedians Adam Scott and Craig Robinson were cast as the two leads, lifting hopes that the show could be a success.

The story explores the characters of Max Jennifer and Leroy Wright, a professor and police police officer played by Scott and Robinson respectively. The pair are 'kidnapped' by an MIB style organisation The Bureau Underground, who set them on a task of crucial importance. The task for these two mismatched partners is to investigate supernatural activities that threatens to wipe out human existence.

Unfortunately the comedy pairing of Scott and Robinson fails to fire, with lame jokes and a distinct lack of chemistry from the pair holding the show back. Having Scott reign in his normal energetic persona and depict him as a nerd is a strange one, that really limits the show's comic potential.

On top of this is a lame romantic subplot between Scott's character Max and co-worker Annie, that is explored in an un-engaging and unhumorous manner. It also takes up a stack of screen time at the expense of the more interesting supernatural events occurring around them.

All hopes of the show hitting its straps as the first series continued was quickly diminished, a boring subplot about a mole existing inside The Bureau Underground removing any remaining interest in the show.

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While he likes to know himself as the 'thunder from down under', Luke is actually just a big dork who loves all things sport, film, James Bond, Doctor Who and Karaoke. With all the suave and sophistication of any Aussie half way through a slab, Luke will critique every minute detail of films and shows from all eras- unless it's 1990's Simpsons episodes, because they're just perfect