10 Sci-Fi TV Shows We'll Be Glued To This Year

7. War For Cybertron: Siege

The Expanse

When Transformers first debuted in 1984, it was little more than a glorified toy advert. Characters would get precedence in the show based more on which toys had just been released, not what made sense to the story, and they shifted in and out of the supposedly stranded crews of Autobots and Decepticons with no explanation of how they'd gotten there.

Netflix's War For Cybertron: Siege could also count as a glorified toy advert, as they have repainted some of the current War For Cybertron: Siege line of figures to suit the show more and be released with Netflix branding. However, there's more to this show than meets the eye.

Coming from Rooster Teeth, the show was announced as Transformers for all the people who were fans from the beginning of the franchise. All those kids who loved it, but grew up and wanted more adult and interesting storytelling would be served by War For Cybertron: Siege and the two sequel series that are planned.

Whether that works out remains to be seen, but those fans who made this one of the longest-running successful franchises will be flocking to Netflix to find out.


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