10 Sci-Fi TV Shows We'll Be Glued To This Year

6. Star Trek: Discovery

The Expanse

Both the conceit and main problem of Star Trek: Discovery was always that it was set in Star Trek's past (before the Original Series) yet had technology not seen until supposedly a hundred or so years later.

So, Discovery's spore drive became a proprietary drive that couldn't be fit on all ships. And their use of holographic communication was hated by Pike, first captain of the Enterprise, to the point he made sure video screens were installed on that ship.

When we last saw The Discovery and her crew, however, they were attempting to stop an apocalyptic future from occurring and ended up 930 years on from the start of the original series.

Removing the show from Star Trek's past means that the gloves are off and the showrunners can have fun with far-future tech without having to excuse its existence. It also means the show can take us beyond the endings of Voyager, Deep Space Nine, and even Picard, showing us what happens next in the Star Trek universe.

Fans can look forward to tuning into the adventures of Saru, Tilly, Burnham and co later this year, apparently not long after Picard airs its final episode.


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