10 Sci-Fi TV Shows You Must Binge-Watch This Summer

2. Brave New World

Warrior Nun

Brave New World is unquestionably one of this year's most ambitious offerings. The show has been in development for five years now (having been moved around a few networks before NBCUniversal settled on using it to launch its new streaming service Peacock) and it is, of course, based on the groundbreaking 1932 novel from Aldous Huxley.

Set in a futuristic 'utopia' in which mankind has seemingly achieved peace and stability, it follows the interestingly-named John the Savage (who is portrayed by Solo's Adlen Ehrenreich), who begins to doubt that everything isn't as peaceful and euphoric as it seems. And through his eyes, we learn that humanity has seemingly been conditioned to behave this way.

Tackling such game-changing source material is admirable, and the show itself looks determined to do its own thing with it, but it looks like it could be one of this year's most intriguing new shows.

It premieres on the Peacock streaming service in the U.S. in July. No word on whether or not it airs weekly or drops all at once... but hey, if it's the former, you can always wait a few weeks and then binge the whole thing at the end of the summer!

Either way, you probably won't want to miss this one!

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.