10 Science Fiction TV Episodes To Watch While Pregnant

9. Angel €“ Dad

The protective instinct that comes naturally with having a baby can be difficult to shake. Many are reluctant to let go of a living being so fragile and new even to a trusted friend or relative. You want to take on all the responsibility on your own €“ after all, this is a child that has been with you for nine months growing inside your belly, and you know it best. This is showcased in the Angel episode "Dad", but on an entirely new level. Left as the sole parent of his new son Connor, Angel takes on all the responsibility of parenthood himself, even while demons and the villainous law firm Wolfram & Hart sit in wait to take the one-of-a-kind baby into their own hands. Angel is reluctant to hand Connor over to even his most trusted friends. Eventually Cordelia informs him that Connor will need to be checked by a doctor, a task that will prove difficult due to Angel's inability to walk around in the daytime. "Dad", despite its title, portrays emotions felt by any new parent. I've often thought about how difficult it would be to leave my newborn alone even with a trusted friend, or to hand her over to an inexperienced younger relative to hold. Often times, you feel like you have a horde of demons after your newborn, with only you to fend off. But just as Angel discovers at the end of the episode, you can't get by without the help of those who care.

Sarah is a twenty-something film school graduate and mother-to-be from Arizona. She loves to write and is currently working on a novel that may be finished sometime in the next fifty years. Doctor Who, Star Trek, Final Fantasy, and Supernatural are among her various obsessions.