10 Secret Subplots You Learn From Watching Community Deleted Scenes

1. Shirley's Crisis Of Confidence

community behind the scenes

Season two's finale "For a Few Paintballs More" features a brilliant scene between Shirley and Britta which sadly didn't make the cut, considering what a fantastic piece of character work it was for Shirley.

During the paintball game, Britta catches Shirley planning to shoot herself in order to eliminate herself from the game, having lost confidence that they can win the game and save Greendale.

Britta then gives Shirley a harsh pep talk about fighting for the school and her dream of become a baked goods entrepreneur, to which Shirley retorts with a laundry list of Britta's character flaws.

Savagely, Britta fires back that Shirley is a "mean, scaredy-cat housewife who is afraid to live her own life."

This scene adds an enormous amount of context to the end of the episode, where Shirley shows up in a golf cart to save Britta, in turn helping the team eventually win the game and save Greendale.

Sadly that meaning is lost without this scene, stripping away the emotional undercurrent of the episode's ending in the process.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.