10 Secrets Of The Batcave Explained

5. Deathstroke's Blade

Batman Robin Jason Todd Batcave
DC Comics

Not only is Deathstroke one of the most clinical, brutal killers in the realms of DC Comics, he's also somebody who's proven to be one of Batman's toughest foes throughout the decades.

Sure, everybody instantly thinks of the Joker, Penguin, Bane, or even the Riddler when they think of the most infamous of Bat-foes - yet in reality, Slade Wilson has proven just as problematic for the Dark Knight as any of those other names.

What makes Slade such a unique beast, is that he's one of the select few who is able to go toe-to-toe with Batman in hand-to-hand combat. Whether that's with fists or with swords, Deathstroke and Batman are often impossible to separate when it comes to those times that the pair square off.

Having beaten Batman several times over the years, Slade was finally humbled by the Caped Crusader and forced to yield during one of their encounters.

To mark this victory, the World's Greatest Detective took one of Deathstroke's patented katana blades as a symbol of his win - with that sword swiftly mounted alongside the plentiful other trophies held in the Batcave.

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Senior Writer

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