10 Secrets We Learned From Doctor Who Season 17 Boxed Set

6. Doctor Who Stars Appreciate Animated Reconstructions More Than Fans

Doctor Who

In a pleasant surprise, there is an episode of Behind the Sofa (in which Doctor Who alumni watch and comment old episodes) about Shada. The legendary unfinished production, has been completed three or four times by now and gets yet another "definitive" version included on the set. So it's very enjoyable to sit in the company of the likes of Sixth Doctor Colin Baker, costume designer June Hudson and director Graeme Harper (amongst many others) as they watch the 2017 reconstruction. "The fans must be so pleased," says Nicola Bryant at one point. You'd be surprised.

What immediately stands out is that Doctor Who alumni are a lot more positive about these animated productions than Doctor Who fans are!

We all know how critical fans can be of these reconstructions. The art style isn't accurate enough! They've cut out scenes! Etcetera etcetera. So it's wonderful to hear June Hudson appreciate the animated renderings of her work and funny to see Colin Baker fail to recognise the elderly voice of Tom Baker whilst also claiming that voices don't change with age. It's a bit of love-in, but one that warms the heart. Especially in the story's final scene, which makes a cynical Matthew Waterhouse eat his words.


Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.