10 Shocking New Doctor Who Era Cliffhangers

8. Amy's A Ganger (The Almost People)

Doctor Who Utopia Cliffhanger

Similar to Series 5, Steven Moffat neatly attached some neat little hints towards the greater picture. Naturally, it was made clear that Amy thought she was pregnant, with the Silence suggesting that she should tell the Doctor this secret. Things became stranger when the TARDIS scanner couldn’t decipher whether she was, or wasn’t pregnant.

Alongside this mysterious development, Amy continuously saw the face of a woman appearing through a hatch everywhere she went. Who was this woman, and what did it all mean? Then we’re introduced to the Gangers, creatures created to become duplicates for their human masters to attend to work that would normally be too dangerous. At first it seems strange why all of this is unfolding, seemingly having no connection to the grander picture.

However, this was all part of the Eleventh Doctor’s plan to learn more about the Gangers, because it turned out that Amy was one of them. Connecting the dots about her undecided pregnancy, and the woman she kept seeing, he realised that Amy hadn’t been with them for a long time, and had in fact been kidnapped, with her mind controlling the Ganger duplicate currently with them. Upon being deactivated, Amy awakened to find the mysterious woman looking down upon her, as she prepared to give birth. Talk about an almighty shocking development that left audiences screaming 'what?!'

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.