10 Shocking Scenes That Prove TV Has Gone Too Far
9. Literal Head Turning Sex Scene (True Blood)

Intense, graphic sex acts are nothing new to TV. But True Blood, through its sexualisation of vampires, takes sex to a whole new level. Throughout the show, sex scenes are frequent and vampires are often presented as superior and dominating beings when they have sex with humans.
In the episode titled ‘It Hurts Me Too,” Bill’s maker, Lorena, pledges her undying love to him, which he refuses, claiming he will never feel the same. Things get heated, he bites her and they start to have some pretty aggressive sex. The peek comes when, Bill in his disgust at himself and his anger at Lorena, twists her head around 180 degrees, and blood pours out of her mouth. Lorena smiles as Bill looks at the back of her head.
The scene plays on vampire immortality, and how an act that would kill a human, is just kinky when it comes to vampires fornicating. It’s raw and graphic, and really pushes the concept of ‘rough’ sex.