10 Shocking Scenes That Prove TV Has Gone Too Far

8. Algernon's Eye Surgery (The Knick)

True Blood Bill Lorena

The Knick is about a surgeon, so as one would expect, there are many scenes showing surgeries, incisions, and quite a bit of blood. Arm amputations are shown with more detail than viewers would like to see, and some deaths even occur outside the operating room.

But the scene where Dr Thackery attempts to operate on Dr Algernon’s eye is really something you do not want to see. Dr Algernon stops the surgery at the last moment as he doesn’t think Dr Thackery is fit to carry out the operation. Before this though, we get to see Dr Thackery sticking a hypodermic needle right into Algernon’s eye. Anything to do with someone’s eye isn’t what you want to “see.” But jokes aside, this isn’t a pleasant scene.


I like to think of myself as a world traveler and social butterfly, although I do spend a lot of my time watching the latest Japanese anime series, sitcoms, movies, and drama series. I live on the island of Crete, where I was born, and enjoy walking on the beach with my little cocker spaniel, Molly, when I'm not writing for WhatCulture.com and UNILAD.co.uk.