With the shocking deaths of Sophia, Dale and Shane in Season 2, it was fact that every character had a chance of being killed off on The Walking Dead. This made sense because the show takes place during a zombie apocalypse, where people would frequently die. Season 3 got off to an intense start that seemed to simmer down. That is until a surprise zombie attacked occurred at the "safe" haven of the prison. Yes, the attack resulted in T-Dogg's death but it wasn't nearly as shocking as Lori's death at the end of the episode. In reality, there's not much of a chance someone could survive a pregnancy during the zombie apocalypse. But Lori? The extremely irritating wife of Rick and pretty shi**y mother to Carl? I thought the show simply didn't have the guts to do it. Even as Maggie began to deliver the baby via a nasty C-section, I still thought she would make it. The gunshot we heard (Carl shoots her offscreen) is what finally sealed the deal. The most shocking part about Lori's death was that it didn't even occur in a season premiere, mid-season or season finale. It was just nestled into the end of episode 4. Lori's death reaffirmed that no one is ever safe. Alas, we still have to deal with ghost Lori.
Recent graduate of Towson University, with a B.S. in Journalism/New Media. I enjoy Chipotle, red wine and 'Game of Thrones,' preferably at the same time. Follow me on Twitter @ZelayaIan.