8. Homer And Peter Both Hang Out With Ex-Presidents
Bill Clinton is one of the best recurring characters in Family Guy: the show's version of him is an immature manchild who loves pranks and finds a kindred spirit in Peter. They even sleep together. In Bill And Peters Bogus Journey, they played Dance Dance Revolution, got high, tried to eat a raw pig, and probably made sweet love. The Simpsons also has an episode revolving around ex-presidents. In Two Bad Neighbours, George HW Bush has a turf war with Homer after moving into Evergreen Terrace. Homer may hate Bush Sr. but fortunately he also ends up with a presidential pal, as Gerald Ford buys the house and invites him over for beer and nachos. Theres no evidence that they also slept together, but Homer does go over to his house with a tell-tale look in his eye. And for that image, youre welcome.