10 Simpsons Theories That Make Too Much Sense To Ignore

7. Bart Will Ultimately Create 'The Simpsons'

Homer Simpson
20th Television

With so many theories from so many different theorists floating around the internet, some are bound to contradict each other. Some believe The Simpsons to be set in the same continuity as Futurama, while others believe The Simpsons only exists as a TV show in Futurama. But what if both were true?

In Season 13, Bart creates Angry Dad, a cartoon based on nothing more than the life of his father. The internet show became a sensation, and was even adapted into a movie in Season 22, but this may have only been the beginning.

From here, Bart could decide to expand his cartoon portfolio to include his entire family rather than just Homer, and simply title his new project 'The Simpsons', even writing about himself in a similar premise to that of Adam Goldberg's 'The Goldbergs'.

We may have already seen some of Bart's creations come to life. While most of the characters will be based around the people he knows from Springfield, there are two notable exceptions. Kang and Kodos. In the very first Treehouse of Horror episode, Bart seemingly creates the alien siblings within his story, 'Hungry are the Damned', and the fact that they make many more appearances in Springfield through the years suggests that they are already in a world of Bart's creation.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.