10 Simpsons Theories That Make Too Much Sense To Ignore

6. Moe Knows Who Crank Calls Him

Homer Simpson
20th Television

Though he may be one of the show's most popular characters not named Simpson, Moe is a lonely, sad individual. He has talked about, and attempted suicide on numerous occasions, and has been shown to live a very solitary, depressing life.

He has, however, always had a special relationship with the titular family. He is one of Homer's best friends, he has always had a thing for Marge, Lisa helped him discover his artistic side, and he has always found Bart hilarious. The oldest Simpson child even told Moe that he enjoyed making crank calls in 'Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk', a concept that the bartender couldn't help but laugh at.

Over the years he has gotten to know Bart quite well, and has even been hunting with him, and since the young boy has a rather distinct, recognisable voice, would it be too unreasonable to believe that Moe has known all along that it was Bart crank calling him?

Instead of letting on, Moe simply plays along with Bart's pranks for no reason other than to put a smile on the youngster's face. Surely nobody is stupid enough to fall for some of the lines Moe has heard, so maybe he is just a lot sweeter than he has ever been given credit for.

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The Simpsons
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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.