10 Smartest Characters In Star Trek

7. Picard

Picard Star Trek

Jean-Luc Picard is an interesting counter-point to Captain Kirk, but for all of their differences, they're fundamentally tied together by their strong instincts and their tactical awareness. Kirk is the working class hero of the two, but Picard is a classically-trained Starfleet poster boy who is more considered, less fiery and way more open to accepting counsel from others.

Picard is far from flawed, though, as his refusal to see the Borg in even slightly sympathetic terms confirms, but he was otherwise a remarkably enlightened, progressive figure who was always very quick to acknowledge most of his own shortcomings.

And while he relied on others, Picard was still a genius-level intellect, cultured far more than Kirk and a fitting adversary for Q AND The Borg Queen, which proves his standing even beyond his own exploits.

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